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Start a Food Business From Home Training

Skills and knowledge to start a food business from home. Learn home food business requirements, food safety, and Council requirements including starting a home delivery food business.

Course Cost: $2200+GST

About Start a Food Business from Home Training

Learn skills and knowledge to start a food business from home.

You will learn:

  • home food business requirements
  • what it takes to start a food business from home
  • food safety and Council requirements; including
  • starting a home delivery food business.

You will get a small business budget template and will understand small business sales strategy, tax issues for small business, small business marketing strategies as well as learning how to make small business marketing videos and how to read small business financial statements and enter into a business partnership.

  • Course Duration: 4 Days [4 hours each day]
  • Delivery: LIVE Online Video Conference Training

Start a Food Business from Home Course Content

Session 1: Preparation
  • How to assess if a business of your own is the right path for you
  • Smart strategies if you have a current job and how you could transition
  • Find out how much commitment you need of your self and the people close to you
  • What to consider when it comes to finance and funding. Lack of money, insufficient money, and or lack of cash-flow is a common cause of business failure.
  • Important tax issues: Learn strategies about how to set your tax money aside before your tax becomes due and why this is important
  • Based on the above understand the importance of both pricing and scale (your ability to make and sell as much kai or muffins as you can and what you need to charge)
  • Understand financial statements and budgets
  • Understanding the law – Business law basic overview
  • The importance of creating something valuable that people want to buy and when this applies while building your business plan
  • Choosing a business partner and considering if this is the right option for you
  • Getting the right personal-support structure around you – mentors /advisors/board
  • Basic technology skills and apps to save you energy and optimize your time (google docs, forms, sheets)
  • Sustainability basics
Session 2: Food Safety Compliance
  • Food Safety breakdowns
  • Find out answers to questions such as: Can I cook food from home for sale? What does a verifier look for when auditing me? What does jargon such as a “Level 2 National Programme FCP” mean?
  • Effective personal hygiene when working with food validation of handwashing technique at training (UV light verification test).
  • You will understand the science of allergic reactions and immune response and food intolerance.
  • Primary allergen groups (applicable worldwide) and practice allergen identification exercises from your menu.
  • Effective allergen management tools in a food business such as labelling and cleaning.
  • Key HACCP training NZ temperatures + global standards including both Celsius (°C) to Fahrenheit (°F) and recording temperature of high-risk food. This training has been used by our trainees around the world.
  • Knowledge of hazards that cause foodborne illness and food spoilage in a food business including pathogenic bacteria, mould, and viruses
  • Knowledge of methods used to control hazards that cause foodborne illness and food spoilage in a food business.
  • Identifying common examples of food safety risks.
  • Pest control and how to control pests
  • Criteria for verifier inspections and audit checklists.
  • Overview of legislation including the Food Standards Code 2002, Food Act 2014, Food Regulations and how the law applies to food businesses
  • Key elements of a Food Control Plan (FCP) + 3 Step Corrective Action (Codex Alimentarius)
  • Practice filling out key food safety records – Food Control Plan Diary
  • Verification and how to achieve a Council Audit A Grades
  • Extra research and microbiology information based on our MOC with AUT University – School of Applied Sciences.
  • Introduction to HACCP
Session 3: Execution
  • Choosing a business name
  • Planning for sales
  • Formalizing a plan for your business
  • Executing on your business plan – MATT
  • Positioning your business
  • Creating a curve jumping product
  • Food business ideas from around New Zealand and the world
Session 4: Getting Stuck In
  • Creating a short story about your business/product/service – the elevator pitch
  • Marketing your business
  • Social media fit – understanding social engagement platforms and what could suit you best
  • How to get better with sales if you know nothing about it
  • Building your team: Types of leaders & communication
  • How to be a good leader
  • Business launch
  • Celebrating your success

About Food Safe

Food Safe Ltd is Accredited by the New Zealand Government + is a Category 1 NZQA-Registered PTE. Training complies with the Food Safety Bylaws and Verifier Audits right across New Zealand.

Our training is trusted by both well known New Zealand and Global food companies and heaps of small teams too!

Food Safe’s advisory committee includes leading experts, quality and compliance managers, and governance experts. For even more information about Food Safe and the companies we work with, click here

Why Choose us for your Training?

  • The information we provide you on how to start a home food business is the very latest.
  • Learn in an engaging and interactive environment
  • We use slides, pictures, and a show-me-how approach to our training which suits all learner types
  • Food Safe Trainers are industry experts and have extensive practical experience in high-compliance areas, which we bring to the classroom.
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