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Milk Collection Training

Milk Collection Training for people employed in the collection and processing of milk in the dairy sector.

Course Cost: POA

Milk Collection Training – Dairy Sector, Level 4

Milk Collection Training is designed for people employed in the collection and processing of milk in the dairy sector.

  • Food Safe collaborates with Primary ITO to offer this programme.
  • Registration includes an ITO training agreement and administration

Suitable for: All operators, coordinators, team leaders, supervisors, managers, and staff interested in further developing their skills.

Food Safe’s Milk Collection Training is available on request for company groups of all sizes.

View our video for companies and trainees about Milk Collection Risk Organism Response.

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Milk Collection Training Content

Milk Collection Training Content includes:

  • A snapshot of the legislation, certification schemes, hazard groupings, and a brief introduction to HACCP.
  • A brief overview of Risk Organism Response (foot and mouth disease control) and product safety around milk collection.
  • A brief overview of Clean-In-Place (CIP) and basic knowledge around how this is done effectively.
  • Record-keeping requirements, documentation and traceability requirements

Food Safe customises product safety training for companies across the primary sectors including (Dairy, Meat, Seafood, Produce) in addition to food processing, manufacture, and retail.

Milk Collection Training

An Overview to Product Safety

Details about the standards covered in training

About Food Safe

Food Safe Ltd is a Category 1 NZQA-Registered PTE. Training complies with the Food Safety Bylaws and Verifier Audits right across New Zealand.

Our training is trusted by both well known New Zealand and Global food companies and heaps of small teams too!

Our training is science-based on New Zealand regulatory and globally recognised best practice – MPI, FAO, FDA, EU

Food Safe’s advisory committee includes leading experts, quality and compliance managers, and governance experts. For even more information about Food Safe and the companies we work with, click here

Why Choose us for your Milk Collection Training?

Food Safe’s Milk Collection Training:

  • Complements compliance requirements
  • Is simplified and visual, and supportive of implementing learning back on-job
  • Is delivered by a trained ISO 9001 & 22000 lead auditor
  • It is delivered by a trainer with first-hand knowledge and experience in high compliance operations where Food Safe operates, such as the dairy, meat, and seafood sector. This allows us to transfer best practices.
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Based on 984 reviews
Quality Assurance Food Companies







How Food Safe collaborates with food companies to deliver food safety training



Register your Interest

Click the 'Enquire Now' button to register your interest. Please detail your requirements and include information like:
– Number of trainees
– Preferred time-frame
– Training location
You can also call 0800 003 097 or email [email protected] to request the training


We will be in touch with you to discuss:
– Training dates
– Proposal and invoicing
– Training delivery

Booking Confirmed

Upon receipt of your payment, your booking will be confirmed.


Your trainer will advise if there is some self-learning to be done before your training date.

Training Day

Please arrive 15 minutes before your class starts.

Companies we work with

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